Letters, Sept. 8, 2024: ‘No backbone within Liberal cabinet’

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The Liberal cabinet is one giant, cowardly, empty black hole of leadership. No one has the guts to stand up to Justin Trudeau and tell him to his face that he is driving the Liberal bus off a cliff. These weak-minded Liberal cabinet members are more concerned about holding on to their high-paying posts than doing what is in the best interest of the Liberal party and Canada by standing up to Trudeau and saying he has lost the support of an entire nation. These cabinet members could take a gumption lesson from the 52 Liberal staffers who have publicly refused to campaign for the Liberals in the upcoming LaSalle-Émard-Verdun byelection in protest. Canadians, including some Liberal party members, will enthusiastically vote to throw out a disastrous Trudeau and his entourage of cabinet clapping seals.

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(One wonders what’s being said behind closed doors.)

Singh’s pension plan

People of Canada, look at Jagmeet Singh’s announcement of his destroying of his Liberal support. He claims all his decisions were to help us Canadians. Just how has this helped — he supported the carbon tax and supported the Liberals in everything they do. Dental assistance and prescription subsidies have been a dismal failure. He still holds the balance of power as he can determine when he will cause an election. Remember, if he delays the non-confidence for a year he will get his full pension. And they say they look after Canadians first.


(No, they take care of themselves first. No one really believes Singh when he claims he “ripped up the agreement” for the sake of Canadians. He sees the polls and knows they aren’t looking good for the NDP.)

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Another school shooting

Once again a school shooting in the U.S. with lawmakers shouting out ‘enough is enough’ that indubitably results in little action to keep guns out of minors’ hands. The U.S. has more guns than people and a gun culture that’s seen more than 400 school shootings since Columbine. So much suffering due to a gun culture that, sadly, lawmakers will do nothing about.


(Sadly, no)

Political platitudes

Big deal, Justin Trudeau has to walk on eggshells for a while. In other words, nothing has really changed, has it? An NDP vote case by case is what we have now so Singh’s pompous platitudes and politicking are pathetic. We could still be listening to this crap next fall while the Liberal credit card goes into overdrive and Singh keeps the electorate hanging based on his phoney support for Canadians. By the way, Singh, we don’t want the NDP running anything considering you said Trudeau doesn’t deserve a second chance when a re-election would be his fourth chance. Then again, maybe in your political doublespeak you meant to say that you don’t want him to stiff your party a second time.


(When asked repeatedly about why he is pulling out of the agreement now, Singh couldn’t answer. Bottom line is, he will carry on to prop the Liberals up)

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