Letters, Sept. 7, 2024: ‘Hey, Justin, Canadians have a message for you’

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Justin Trudeau’s response to Jagmeet Singh ripping up the coalition agreement is that he is not interested in politics. Instead, he is going to focus on the things that Canadians have been telling him this summer that they want done. Well, from every poll I have seen, Canadians have been telling Trudeau they want him and the Liberals gone. So, Justin, please focus on calling an election sooner rather than later.


(It’s the one thing Canadians really want him to act on — call an election)

Life a little bit better

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make me happy. Take Wednesday for instance. The Sun shone a little brighter, my coffee tasted better, and my wife’s kiss was sweeter. What triggered this burst of joy? Jagmeet Singh finally pulled the plug on the NDP-Liberal unholy alliance.

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(Just imagine how good it will be when Canadians get a chance to finally go to the polls to toss the Liberals out)

Time for a change

I had nothing but love and respect for Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. This current bunch? Not so much. For the sake of the Commonwealth, you say? Now is the time to leave the Commonwealth and form a republic and not so surprisingly it has nothing to do with how I feel about the current royal family. It has everything to with: our broken and unfair constitution that greatly favours the eastern provinces; eliminating the useless position of Governor General that’s only purpose is to reward members of the “Good Old Boys and Girls Club” with licence to waste large amounts of taxpayers money; ditto our senators. The entire system is broken. Yes, it could work if it was run as intended such as in Britain. However, it has not been that way for quite some time now and is not likely to ever return to its intended purpose. In this system our prime minister has far too much power, and that is not a good thing as we have witnessed. It is time to move on from this antiquated system based upon honour such as the titles suggest because there is none in parliament any longer. Rt. Honourable, my backside.


(Election and government reform will always be a hot topic in Canadian politics.)

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