Letters, Sept. 19, 2024: ‘Political left has let us down’

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Jagmeet Singh supposedly has ended his socialist coalition with Trudeau after extracting his top priorities, Dental and Pharmacare plans, costing taxpayers an estimated $40 billion going forward. This was the outrageous cost Singh extracted from Trudeau to keep him governing! Now Bloc Québécois leader Yves- Francois Blanchet boldly states he plans to use his support to keep Trudeau in power to extract goodies for Quebec. Blanchet knows because of Trudeau’s current precarious position he needs Quebecers on board next election so is in a great bargaining position! Democracy has been described as …being of the people, by the people and for the people. Unfortunately, Canada’s democracy has been hijacked by three self-serving political leaders for their own selfish purposes! Let’s hope those leaders who have run roughshod over our democracy will be punished at the polls next election! Canadians need better governance than we have been seeing from the left- leaning political leaders!

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(Canadians deserve better, but will there be change at the ballot box when the time comes?)

Don’t let the Trump hate fool you

In John Snobelen’s column ‘Bizarre presidential debate where facts weren’t facts’ (Sept. 13), it seems he only heard Trump’s comments. He, like the ABC network, has given Harris a hall pass after she either evaded answering the (softball) questions posed to her or outright lied. Does she really believe she can distance herself from the current administration, of which she is vice president, and claim to be a moderate? She has, in fact, proven to be the most radical leftist, Marxist politician in U.S. history, yet denies any participation in the current policies that are destroying the United States and its Constitution. Will the people be fooled? Probably.


(They didn’t fact-check Harris on the spot like they did Trump.)

Breakups hurt

(Re: LILLEY: Singh Breaks Up With Trudeau, Ends Coalition Deal…) Yesterday, it was Sophia. Today, it is Jagmeet. Tomorrow, it will be the Canadian electorate saying their good-byes on Election Day. So ends the tale of Trudeaumania in this nation.


(Tough times for Trudeau.)

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