Letters, Sept. 11, 2024: ‘Street repair worse than pothole’

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I would like to thank the city roads department for filling in the potholes north on Macleod Tr. between Midlake Blvd. and nearly Canyon Meadows Dr. with even worse repairs. Yes, the repairs are so rough now the potholes were much better as you could swerve around them, you can’t avoid the problem with the so-called repaired section. Great job, fellas … not. Waste of money, yes.


(Hopefully, they’re coming back to finish the job?)

$87-billion question

Interesting that our mayor has decreed the Green Line is no longer affordable because of $1.53 billion pulled by the province. Shortly after she was elected, she announced $87-billion to save the world. Where did she think that was coming from if now she can’t find $1.5B? Dizzying thought process.

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(No one’s looking great in this saga.)

Just two parties needed

Re “Separatists salivate at weakness” (The Canadian Press, Sept. 9): OK, so now that the supply-and-confidence agreement is shredded and in the blue bin, the Bloc Quebecois will keep the prime minister in power. My question is this: Why is a regional rump even allowed to exist in Parliament? They are not a federal party, and wish to destroy our country. The Bloc, (not so) New Democrats and Greens are irrelevant today. We need a two-party system.


(The electoral heft of Quebec gives them big sway in the country — rightly or wrongly)

Bloc could help us all

The Bloc Quebecois see a window of opportunity to secure more for Quebec in exchange for their party support of Trudeau’s Liberals. And Trudeau is in a vulnerable place! The government of Quebec needs to find their big-boy pants and implement ways to increase provincial revenues instead of constantly screwing over other Canadians by demanding more federal monies!


(The Bloc will do what they perceive is in the best interest of Quebec. But who can blame them when Trudeau needs to shore up some support in the province, he will be malliable)

Singin’ the blues

I just had to redo Johnny Cash’s ‘Burning Ring Of Fire’ and it goes a little like this. ‘Canada’s fallen in to a burning ring of liars, Singh and Trudeau and the lies get higher and they lie and lie and lie , this ring of liars, this ring of liars. (while the Country’s on fire).’


(Very droll, Terry Toll.)

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