Letters, May 12, 2024: ‘Carbon price doesn’t add up’

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Over the past several years I have spent some big bucks into making my tiny 1978 three-bedroom abode in Silver Springs into a more energy-efficient domicile. I had the original windows replaced with the best triple-pane windows money could buy. I also purchased a high-efficiency furnace and added another two-feet of insulation in the attic. I’m not sure there was anything more I could do. A couple nights ago I paid my current Enmax utility bill. The actual natural gas charges for the most recent billing period (Feb. 18-March 16) was $13.50, on the EasyMax Floating rate. However, total charges for my natural gas consumption came to $104.37, due to an additional $90.87 for various administration and other ancillary charges. Include in those additional charges a carbon tax of $25.85, which is 1.9 times more than the actual cost of the natural gas I used. It’s bad enough to swallow and digest the various additional charges, but having to pay a carbon tax that is almost twice as much as the cost for the natural gas consumed is enough to make me choke. Only $13.50 of natural gas consumed during the height of our frigid winter weather? I think that’s a pretty darn good indication of how energy efficient my home is. I think I’ve done my part. So how in hell does our delusional PM and his Green Jesus of Montreal environment minister justify imposing a carbon tax that is so outrageously higher than the cost of the product being taxed? What is this, new Liberal math or just outright theft?

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(It does seem to be out of control.)

Questioning question period

I have watched question period from time to time over a few decades and rarely if ever have I seen a question answered properly. I guess it’s properly if you’re a greasy politician but as for any benefit to a Canadian voter watching, there is none. I actually find the whole question period a waste of time, money and quite insulting to all Canadians. And now were supposed to be upset there was name-calling in the House of Commons. The guy is a wacko. Honesty should be commended.


(Tuning in to question period just for the fun of it? A brave soul, you are.)

No surprise from Singh

Re: Jagmeet Singh confirms NDP will support the Liberals’ federal budget. What a surprise this is. The Jagmeet Singh tradition continues as usual — all bark and no bite. But on election day 2025, the federal NDP will be found guilty by association. By then, it will be too late to un-ring bells.


(Yep, hope it was worth it.)

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