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Followup questions to PM Trudeau’s assertion that his job is to do the right things for Canadians now and a generation from now. And the questions would be: What is your end game? What do you want to accomplish with these things? What is your vision of Canada? Is it to be carbon copy of Communist China, a regime whom you so admire? I don’t expect much from PM Trudeau and his answer would be hyperbole and mushy gibberish.
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(We wouldn’t expect to get much comfort from his answers.)
Throwing money around
So Trudeau is campaigning, already giving money away they we don’t have, especially $100 million to the overpaid CBC people so they can ramp up attacks on the conservatives. You know no expense will be spared. $15 million in bonuses to executives of the worst and most unwatched network, on top of underperforming but overpaid VPs.
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(Those bonuses were particularly galling.)
Nenshi, beware Smith
Dear Nenshi: You just started your campaign — not even elected yet. You spew nothing but crap and sarcasm against our premier. Let me tell you this … Premier Danielle Smith has bigger kahunas than you, and, trust me, she can handle you. You see, you were FIRED, as all you wanted to do was spend, spend, and spend more. So what did people vote for? Unfortunately, people got a Nenshi 2.0 with Gondek and that’s not going so well for her now is it?. So, I think the numbers are in and the majority of Albertans approve of our premier. I highly suggest you learn some leadership skills as they didn’t seem to work when you were mayor. Anyone can run a city, province, or country with unlimited spending, but we taxpayers pay for it.
(If he’s looking to spend, spend, spend, he picked the right crew.)
Nenshi no underdog
More weasel words from Nenshi calling the Smith and the UCP immoral and dangerous. However, notice how he calls himself the underdog. This cuts two ways: If he loses the vote, he can claim he was the underdog, whereas if he wins, he can claim that he rose from the ashes.
(Agreed, calling himself an underdog is a bit rich.)
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