Letters, June 9, 2024: ‘Deception second-nature for Liberals’

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Here we go again. The Liberals have been told that some MPs and senators were involved with foreign countries influencing our affairs. We all know how this ends. With denials and nonsense that they cannot name names because of national security. A bit late for that concern, I would say. All the corruption that has gone on and inquiries closed down because the Liberals do not want to have to answer for their actions. Hell, they cannot even answer a simple question without words that say nothing.


(The scandals are piling up.)

Ignore him

I’ve been saying for a long time now that the best way to hurt Donald Trump is to ignore him. But those crazy, mad, lunatics on the left just can’t help themselves. They hate Trump so much that they felt it was a good idea to bring him up on criminal charges. Well, lo and behold, the jury finds him guilty and what happens? Trump raises an unheard of amount of money and goes up in the polls. There is an old saying that is very apt at this moment: “Be careful with what you ask for, because you just might get it.” Idiots.

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(Love him or hate him, the man is pretty difficult to ignore.)

He’s lost all credibility

Partisan Speaker of the House Greg Fergus keeps getting away with his glaringly obvious Liberal bias. If he had any integrity or self-respect, he would step down on his own as he’s lost all credibility. Canadians everywhere are tired of Liberal government, and that includes the Speaker. Every time he’s screwed up he’s apologized, but he continues to do it. Easier to apologize after than ask permission before, they say. When a Liberal does say they’re sorry it is rare and insincere, and Fergus is a prime example. Fergus isn’t the right person for a non-partisan position. And once again the NDP has shown its hypocritical leanings, blasting the Liberals in one breath, then turning around and supporting them in the next. The NDP doesn’t want an election now because it would lose big time and Singh wants his pension. I no longer consider this Liberal government to be legitimate as it clearly doesn’t serve Canadians.


(This government is what we’ve got until the 2025 election.)

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