Letters, July 3, 2024: ‘Our leadership is flagging’

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Driving around my neighbourhood on Canada Day, I did not see many Canadian flags. My local Tim Hortons was not displaying any either. I gave my opinion and walked out. Is it just Toronto, the Euro Cup or are we just asleep? I saw one Canadian flag outside an Irish pub. Please, Pierre Poilievre, rescue Canada. It starts from the top.


(Keep the faith and celebrate this great but challenged country)

My Canada

Chrystia Freeland asked, “What kind of country do you want to live in?”
I want to live in a country where government waste is non-existent; where government spending isn’t out of control; where politicians put the hard-working taxpayers ahead of woke minorities from whom they’re trying to garner votes; where our ballooning debt won’t be shouldered by future generations that you profess to care so passionately about; where the government isn’t taxing people to death to pay for programs that are ill-conceived, poorly designed and mismanaged; where our politicians put Canada and Canadians first; where the existing medical system is fixed before any new programs are added; where our politicians who claim to be so concerned about carbon pollution and the environment spend less time jetting around and more time zooming around; where when a question is asked during question period the question gets an answer, not a load of bull; where the middle class isn’t being eroded; and where inflation is a dirty word rather than something to blame on circumstances beyond our control. These are some of the things that I would like for my Canada, but as I see it, unless there is a change in government, we’ll continue down a slippery slope to a poorer future for all.

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(Sounds great. For any of that to happen, we’ll need a fiscally, socially and ethically responsible government.)

Lacking leadership

In an ironic juxtaposition of political events, there are now two seemingly incompetent political leaders, one here in Canada and one to the south. President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance against a convicted felon — and documented liar — was a revelation of the lack of intellect, knowledge and leadership ability exhibited by both candidates. Here in Canada, we have seen a PM with eight years of leadership, flush with scandals and economy-killing legislation, as well as a weak economy, lose a critical by-election in Toronto. There are trying times ahead!


(Without a change in leadership, we’ll continue to live through trying times)

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