Letters, Feb. 28, 2024: ‘We don’t need political parties’

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So Danielle Smith wants to bring party politics to the municipal level. I agree with most of what Smith wants to do, but this isn’t one of them. Political parties are divisive.Parties ingrain a fake loyalty to the people and divide people on an ideology that doesn’t exist. I’d like to see political parties banned at all levels of government and Canada run like a business with 10-person board of directors, 20 or 30 managers, CEO, CFO,etc., and that’s it.Any problems and we fire them immediately.

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(Even without party politics, city council is plenty divisive.)

Our tax dollars at work

This morning I witnessed a city street-sweeper in the Marda Loop/Altadore area. This does nothing to remove all the ice buildups at intersections or unplug all the frozen street drains. I guess my 7.8% tax increase has to be spent somewhere.

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(Many of the things city hall spends money on are even more useless.)

Kinsella is on point

Excellent opinion column by Warren Kinsella . Man, can that guy put the words together. I’m sure a lot of people would have mixed emotions if our wonderful leader stepped down: tears of joy and happiness followed by sadness, because people like me want to see J.T. crash and burn, and bring the lousy Liberal party down with him. What we really need is a federal election sooner than later before Trudeau’s damage cannot be undone!


(Warren does have a way with words.)

Mandatory service

Car thefts, shootings, stabbings, repeat offenders out on bail. What to do? The answer is simple: 18 months mandatory military service for all 18-year-old males. This will sort things out nicely. Discipline, physical fitness, self responsibility, travel, respect for country and flag, and a weekly paycheque. Some will stay in for trades training. Some will enroll in the military college. All will be the better for it. The positive impact on society will be immediate. A win-win for Canada and its citizens. And a large pool of Canadians ready to defend the country when the enemy knocks on the gates. But do our politicians have the common sense and cojones to implement this policy? I doubt it. God help Canada.


(It would take extraordinary circumstances for Canada to implement mandatory military service. No political leader would even attempt it)

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