Letters, Aug. 25, 2024: ‘UN becoming less relevant by the day’

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The UN with 193 member states was established to uphold international laws, etc., but is conspicuously absent in Ukraine as Russia commits horrendous violations of international law The UN’s flawed design allows one permanent Security Council member like Russia to veto any resolution demanding it stop the Ukraine invasion and withdraw all troops. Today, the UN is pathetic and irrelevant, a no-show in Ukraine while horrific atrocities are occurring contrary to the reason for its conception after WW2.


(Sometimes it feels like the inmates are running the asylum.)

Bumpy ride

The current Calgary city council (minus the Faithful Six) have absolutely no fiscal concept or accountability on financial matters to operate the City of Calgary. Therefore, the city will continue to slide down the septic tank until the next civic elections, scheduled for Monday, Oct. 20, 2025. Until then, Calgarians better buckle-up. It will be a rough financial ride for the next 15 months.

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(You sound pretty confident there’s going to be some sort of electoral reckoning.)

Elected accountability

If judges and senators are making life-changing decisions, they should be elected. For example, our Supreme Court is packed with Trudeau’s left picks.


(An elected Senate would be wonderful.)

Presidential nature

I was reading a magazine that lists how former presidents of the United States rate, from the best to the worst. A quote from Dwight Eisenhower really caught my eye. He said, “Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy.” I keep wondering what category Trump would fit. And whether this quote would also fit how Trudeau feels.


(Probably a bit of both — egomaniac and crazy)

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