Letters, Aug. 24, 2024: ‘Province has no business using public funds for hockey arena’

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Prioritizing provincial funds to assist a private corporation to build a hockey arena is immoral when our health-care system crumbles before our eyes. The Calgary Flames’ corporation should do the right action and transfer the funds to health care. Our provincial priorities are totally out of whack. The construction of a hospital in Edmonton was cancelled, yet the province has funds for a private arena. Health care is the priority.


(When you put it like that…)

Shameful act

The statue of Holocaust victim Anne Frank in Amsterdam has been defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for the second time. Anne Frank is an icon of The Dutch Jewish community, which was virtually wiped out during the Nazi occupation. The perpetrators of these deplorable acts of desecration should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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(An act clearly meant to inflict maximum pain.)

Deplorable behaviour

You can tell the federal Liberals are in total chaos with Justin Trudeau just surfing while the fortune of the party is completely sinking. The latest example of the Liberals grasping at straws is them stealing the current Democrat tactic of calling anyone who votes Republican “weird.” So Trudeau’s Liberals think they are going to wash away their years of bad performance by calling Canadians who won’t vote for them weird. Neither Democrats in America nor Liberals in Canada have learned from the mistake and backlash against Hillary Clinton when she called Americans who wouldn’t vote for her as “deplorables.” They say people who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Get your popcorn and enjoy the fun of watching all Canadians send a message to the Liberals by crushing the politicians who called them weird!


(The Liberals are certainly grasping.)

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