Letters, April 6, 2024: ‘Tone-deaf letter from economists’

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Last week a group of ‘top’ economists signed a letter saying the carbon tax doesn’t really affect inflation. We shouldn’t be concerned as the cost is bearable for most of us. Well, the cost is certainly bearable for them. A search of the respected website Salary Expert reveals the average salary of these top economists is $186,000 per year. This group promotes the Liberals’ view we should simply trust them and support the carbon tax. They try to push the rebate story. Well, the public is smarter than they think. We know we will pay over $900 per family more than we will get back. No doubt these economists will nervously watch the inflation numbers for this month (April). Any bump-up will crush their credibility. Sadly, in the end, the public will still pay more. Wish I could get $186,000, that would really soften the blow.

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(People are stretched to the limit.)

Ever-spending Grits

I am not fully aware of our Canadian election rules but, how can the federal government, a minority government, just decide to extend the next election date by a week so MPs can achieve their six-year requirement to take a pension on the backs of Canadians? Canada’s national debt is approximately $1.2 trillion, with annual interest payments of $47.1 billion thanks to the ever-spending Liberals and coalition-supporting NDP. I am a senior and I am tired of my taxes paying incompetent leaders to kill our economy and then take a fat pension.


(A little fiscal responsibility would be just what the doctor ordered, but it appears that’s not in the cards.)

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Save the lecture, Justin

“Canada condemns alleged attack on Gaza aid workers,” demands investigation. Or what? Justin Trudeau is going to whip out his F-16s, send over a war canoe to the waters off Israel, maybe invade Tel Aviv with both soldiers, cut off LNG supplies to our NATO allies, maybe allow more anti-Semitic, terrorist-fuelled hatred blocking of businesses and streets in our nation? I know, Trudeau can lecture the world how Canada always stands up for democracy, gender, racial, woken thingies. Not to be a sticky wicket on details, but are we forgetting how this war was started, by who, with so much savagery?


(Israel has taken full responsibility for this but yes, let’s not lose site of what got us here. Hamas brutal terrorist attack on the people of Israel)

Refuse the pay hike

To show they truly care about Canadians, the Conservatives should refuse the pay increase Justin Trudeau has initiated. Then I will respect you.


(Would be a good gesture)

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