YYC Airport below average for passenger satisfaction in North America

The latest North American airport passenger satisfaction study by JD Power ranks Calgary International Airport (YYC) a tad below average.

Calgary took 22nd place in the “Large Airports” category, making it the second highest-placed Canadian airport on the list behind Vancouver’s International Airport and sitting above Montreal’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport.

Although it performed well when it came to large airports in Canada, it did land below the segment average of 629 points, with 599 points for YYC.

John Wayne Airport in Orange County ranks highest among large airports, scoring 687. Tampa International Airport (685) ranks second, and Kansas City International Airport (683) ranks third.

yyc airport satisfaction

JD Power

“Huge air travel demand has not slowed down in North America, despite the steadily rising costs of flights, ground travel, hotel rooms, and pretty much anything you can buy in an airport,” said Michael Taylor, managing director of travel, hospitality and retail at JD Power, in a news release.

“Most travelers are still enjoying the experience. However, we are starting to see a breaking point in consumer spending, with the average spend per person in the terminal declining significantly from a year ago.”

The North America Airport Satisfaction Study, now in its 19th year, was redesigned for 2024.

The 2024 study is based on 26,290 completed surveys from US or Canadian residents who travelled through at least one US or Canadian airport during the past 30 days. It covers both departure and arrival experiences (including connecting airports). Passengers evaluated either a departing or arriving airport from their round-trip experience. The study was fielded from August 2023 through July 2024.
