Travellers from these 10 cities spike in Calgary during Stampede

Over one million people flock to the Calgary Stampede every year and with a total population of just under 1.4 million, it’s more than just Calgarians stomping on those grounds.

The Calgary Stampede draws crowds from all over the world but according to Airbnb, you’re most likely to see people travelling to the city from inside Canada during the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.

People from some cities are more likely than others to don traditional cowboy boots and hats, as the booking company has shared data that shows the most popular origin cities for Stampede visitors.

Our neighbours to the north are included on the list, with Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Ottawa, Surrey, Montréal and Regina all listed among the top 10 origin cities.

One city surprised us more than others, though, as it seems Calgarians are likely to book a stay in the city during the July festivities.

All-in-all, it’s a lucrative month for Airbnb hosts in Calgary, with last year’s collective earnings reaching nearly $9 million between July 7 and 16, 2023.
