The sizzling heat is forecast to come back to Calgary this week

After a slight drop to cooler temperatures, the sizzling heat is set to return to Calgary, with a string of above-average daytime highs in the forecast.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Calgary is forecast to see a chance of showers today and tomorrow, with daytime highs of 26°C and 25°C.

It only gets hotter as we progress through the workweek, with the 30°C mark being reached on Thursday before highs in the 26°C to 28°C range over the weekend.

The average high for the ECCC station that reports the data for Calgary is 23.5°C, so the city will see above-average daytime highs every day this week. Make sure to have that sunscreen handy!

calgary forecast heat

Environment and Climate Change Canada

If you are curious about how August is shaping up for Alberta, we chatted with a meteorologist from ECCC who gave us all the details.
