Calgarians share things they’re nostalgic about and it’s giving all the feels

Calgarians are sharing things they’re most nostalgic over and it’s all so relatable if you grew up in the city.

Calgary has seen a lot of changes and growth in recent decades, especially recently with the development of the new BMO Centre and the highly successful new Central Library.

More changes are on the way, too. The iconic Saddledome will soon be demolished and replaced with a new arena in the near future.

You don’t have to wait for that to happen to indulge in some nostalgia, though. Some people in a Reddit thread this week took the opportunity to look back on the city and share what they miss most about Cowtown in the good old days.

The old Science Centre

It’s no surprise to locals that the original downtown science centre made the list with people sharing they wish it was like it used to be.

Calgarians nostalgia

While the bed of nails at the old location was definitely a canon event for Calgary kids, we have to say the new Telus Spark adult-only nights are pretty great.

The OG Devonian Gardens

Remember when visiting the Core felt like stepping into a jungle? So do many other Calgarians, and many would also like to see it make a comeback.

Calgarians nostalgia

Calgarians nostalgia


Nothing beats the nostalgia of birthday parties held at Lloyd’s roller rink. It was many Calgarians’ first time trying rollerblading, and some of us still have the bruises to prove it!

A friendly reminder; there’s a new kid on the block with a new roller rink open to the public this year!

So many things at Eau Claire

Eau Claire just recently shuttered its doors, and there’s so much to look back on with fond memories. From some incredible one-of-a-kind restaurants to the old arcade and, even further back, Calgary’s only Hard Rock Cafe, there were so many memories made at this iconic mall.

The old Chinook Centre food court and T-Rex

Nothing was better than chowing down on some food court treats in between rides on the merry-go-round. There was also a guaranteed show every visit with the fun planes that flew overhead. Also, who doesn’t miss being greeted by that giant metal T-Rex statue?!

Casablanca Video in Marda Loop

Ahh, who doesn’t miss the days of renting the newest movie from a store when binge-watching depended on how many VHS tapes you had? Blockbuster was great, but locals know this video spot was better.

The “good old days”

Some couldn’t resist the opportunity to point out what life was like in the “good old days,” when housing seemed affordable and people were friendlier.

Calgarians nostalgia

What do you think? Would you add anything else to the list? Let us know in the comments!
