If you are looking to save some money this year, a new survey has revealed what Albertans are looking to ditch to keep their bank account in order.
The survey, completed by the TD Bank Group, revealed that 61% of Albertans plan to cut back on spending this year, up 4% from 2024 and higher than any other province.
Of those who aren’t reducing their spending, 50% mentioned they’ve already cut back as much as possible.
What are the biggest things Albertans are looking to reduce spending on?
The biggest things Albertans are taking to the chopping block are eating out and ordering food, with 72% saying they hope to do it less.
Next up on the list, 62% of Albertans say they aim to shop around more to save on purchases, while 46% are switching from name-brand to generic/store-brand products.
Another big thing is spending less on entertainment, which 45% of Albertans in the survey hope to do. Next up is postponing or cancelling travel plans at 31%, and cancelling some or all subscription services at 27%.
Other findings in the survey painted a pretty bleak picture for the finances of many in the province, with 37% saying they are feeling less positive about their finances in 2025 compared to last year, and 54% foreseeing inflation and the cost of living as their biggest financial challenge.
This Maru Public Opinion survey was done by randomly selection 1,143 Canadians aged 25 and older who are Maru Voice Canada online panelists and were surveyed from November 4 to November 7, 2024.