10 breathtaking waterfalls to check out in Alberta

Everyone knows about the amazing scenery provided by the mountains in Alberta, but the province’s waterfalls deserve a lot more credit.

We’ve put together a list of some of the most breathtaking, memory-making waterfalls in Alberta to add to your must-do-this-summer bucket list.

Muskeg Falls is one of the most famous waterfalls in the Grand Cache area. Located about four hours west of Edmonton, Muskeg Falls will transport you to a dream. This waterfall waits at the end of a short 1.6 km hike, but be careful, as the footing can be steep and tricky.

elbow falls

Elbow Falls (samk24/Instagram)

Elbow Falls is a premier destination for those “golden hour” pictures. During the early dusk, the sun hits the surrounding rocks and illuminates the area. Elbow Falls is also an amazing place to go bird-watching, spot rare wildlife, relax in the sun, and much more. This trip makes for the perfect summer getaway, and it’s only one hour from Calgary.


Athabasca Falls (kavram/Shutterstock)

Athabasca Falls is arguably one of the most famous waterfalls in all of Alberta. The stunning, shimmering waters make this spot one of the most breathtaking in the province. Each of the area’s short hikes offer incredible views of the falls and the horizons.

A gem hiding in Jasper National Park, Sunwapta Falls is the perfect spot to get away from city life. Directly in the center of the river that fuels the falls is a tiny island made of trees.

Movie buffs will be familiar with this waterfall. Bow Falls has been used in the background of many classics, including River of No Return with Marilyn Monroe and Robert Mitchum and Saskatchewan with Olive Borden. The hike to the waterfalls can be steep, so make sure you don’t suffer the same fate as those movie characters!

Troll Falls is just as fantastical as it sounds. It’s a short hike to reach the falls, but it can easily be done by people of all ages (children and moderately fit grandparents alike). There are multiple waterfalls along the hike, and we recommend making the trek to at least the second waterfall. You can even stand behind it and reach out to touch the water in case you need a cool down!

With plenty of trails for hiking, biking, and more, Ram River Falls is perfect for a road trip if you don’t mind a bit of a lengthy drive (it is about four hours from Calgary).

This waterfall has some of the best views in the world. Lace up your hiking boots and grab some friends for these great trails. If you’re not feeling a 9.7 km trek, bring out your inner cowboy and book a horse-riding experience at the falls instead to get the most out of your visit.

We know TLC said not to go chasing waterfalls, but you’re going to want to reconsider when you get to peep this one. Cameron Falls is just a stone’s throw away from Waterton Village and is well worth the trip.

Just a short hike from the famous Prince of Wales Hotel, these natural mountain falls are a spectacular must-see.

Tucked away near Diamond Valley, this waterfall is definitely a trip worth taking, heck, it was even featured on HBO’s The Last of Us.

While you’re nearby, experience a real-life example of “it takes a village.” One of Canada’s oldest whiskey distilleries, Eau Claire Distillery, relies on generations-old family farms in the surrounding area to provide the grain needed for its delicious spirits.
