Calgary sees a spike in water rescue calls, asks people to adopt water safety

Where there is water, there’s risk, and while Calgarians are enjoying the summer with water activities like boating, rafting and swimming, the Calgary Fire Department (CFD) says it’s busy responding to a high volume of water safety calls, dealing with over 50 in July alone. 

“Typically it’s people that have fallen out of their craft or they’re stuck against bridge abutments or they are stuck on an island because their raft deflated or somewhere along the shore where they can’t get to where they need to go,” said CFD Public Information Officer Carol Henke

She says during this hot spell, fire department boats will patrol rivers regularly.

But, Henke also urges Calgarians to check the water levels and the current before they go in the water, buy proper boating equipment, and always wear a life jacket.

“Water safety is very important and that’s why I wear a life jacket,” one person told CityNews.

“I trust that I can swim, and I don’t go anywhere like too sketchy like the rapids,” said another.

The CFD has conducted multiple water rescue operations in the last few days, and warns that if you see someone in trouble in the water, not to jump in if you aren’t trained in water rescue.

“Call 911 immediately and if you can reach them with something, you can throw something to them or reach them with a branch or rope or something and pull them in,” Henke said. “We don’t want people putting themselves at risk.

“It’s swift water and a lot of people maybe don’t quite understand the strength of swift water when you’re caught in the current.”

Henke encourages Calgarians to check out the City of Calgary water safety web page for more details.
