Watermain break in northwest Calgary triggers Alberta Emergency Alert that supply in critical state

A watermain break that left hundreds of homes without water Wednesday evening has triggered an Alberta Emergency Alert warning that Calgary’s water supply is in a critical state. 

The provincial alert, issued to Calgarians’ cellphones at 6:37 a.m., said the watermain break along 16th Avenue N.W. has affected the city’s ability to provide water to communities and ensure adequate water is available to support emergency fire suppression.

“All residents and businesses must conserve water. Do not shower or bath. Do not wash dishes, or run appliances that use water,” the alert said. 

The break caused streets to flood in the Bowness and Montgomery areas and forced the closure of several roads and intersections, including 16th Avenue in both directions.

The Trans-Canada Highway remained closed from Sarcee Trail to Home Road early Thursday morning. 

“This is a significant break on a critical water main that moves water across the city,” the city said in a release Thursday, as the city issued a boil water advisory for the Bowness area.

The break also affected water pressure in several other areas, including the communities of Parkdale, West Hillhurst, Hillhurst and Scarboro.

“The city has enacted its Municipal Emergency Plan and currently, we do not have an estimate for how long the boil water advisory or the water restrictions will be necessary,” the city said in a release Thursday.

There was no immediate update as to when all repair work would be completed.

The boil water advisory requires all residents and businesses in Bowness to bring water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before any consumption, including:

  • Drinking.
  • Brushing teeth.
  • Cleaning raw foods.
  • Preparing infant formula or juices.
  • Making ice.

The city is also invoking a mandatory outdoor watering ban and asking Calgarians to limit non-essential water use by doing the following: 

  • Delaying use of dishwashers and washing machines.
  • Limiting shower times and keeping baths shallow.
  • Turning off humidifiers and ice machines.
  • Turning off water taps when not in use.

“Businesses using large volumes of non-essential water, such as laundromats and car washes, are being asked to reduce water use. Businesses using water to deliver a product or service that is life sustaining for people, animals and plants are exempt.”

The city has scheduled an update on the situation for 7:30 a.m. at its Emergency Operations Centre. 

a bus drives through a big puddle
A boil water advisory was issued for Bowness following a major watermain break in northwest Calgary on Wednesday night. (Acton Clarkin/CBC)
