3 Calgary councillors support external review of city’s public engagement policy

A trio of city councillors say it’s time for an external review of the City of Calgary’s public engagement policy.

They’re supporting a motion which will go to city council later this month, calling for the hiring of an outside consultant to examine how engagement is currently done and if there are ways to do it better.

One of the councillors, Ward 7’s Terry Wong, said he’s sensing some people who take part in public engagements are frustrated because their feedback isn’t incorporated into the final product.

He cited examples of the engagement surrounding the development of new local area plans and council’s decision earlier this year to support rezoning much of Calgary’s residential area.

“The constituents out there don’t feel that the process that we’re taking starts in the right place,” said Wong.

To him, that means citizens come away from city organized meetings with the impression that the final outcome is already decided or that what seems to be strong opposition isn’t heeded.

“A lot of people feel that we come to these information sessions with a bunch of postcards that say: ‘Read this and tell me what you think,’ as opposed to asking a question [like], ‘What’s top of mind for you? What’s keeping you up in the middle of the night? Is this the right direction we want to go?'”

Terry Wong is the Calgary city councillor for Ward 7.
Ward 7 Coun. Terry Wong believes some of the people who take part in Calgary’s public engagements are feeling frustrated their feedback isn’t incorporated into the final product. (Mike Symington/CBC)

He said the city’s processes haven’t been audited to ensure public engagements are meeting its goals.

Wong along with Coun. Sonya Sharp and Coun. Andre Chabot want their colleagues to support an independent review which would report back by the middle of next year.

Bringing more voices to the table

It appears possible that not just councillors who sense there are public concerns about engagement could back the motion.

Ward 8 Coun. Courtney Walcott said some of his colleagues have raised the idea that constituents are frustrated when they feel a majority of people are opposed to a policy change but council disregards those opinions.

He suggested that what the city needs to do is work harder and differently to bring more voices to the table that aren’t being heard.

“A significant number of Calgarians don’t even get an opportunity to engage for a variety of different barriers, from language to socioeconomic status and access points, for example,” said Walcott.

He said that community associations, homeowner groups and other organizations are already well represented at public meetings or sending emails to councillors.

“If there’s an opportunity to bring more people into the discussion versus giving more power to those who are already privileged in this discussion, I think there’s something there,” said Walcott.

From his perspective, he suggested the city should always look at improving its processes. So there should be value in updating its engagement processes.

“The votes might actually align, even if we have different reasons for supporting it.”

If council approves the motion during a meeting later this month, a consultant would be hired to do the review.

However, council would also need to approve funding for the work during its debate in November on adjustments to the 2025 budget.
