Rising prices, stress test challenge singles buying homes in Calgary

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Calgary isn’t the most expensive resale real estate market in Canada, but it’s increasingly a tough place for first-time buyers, a new study shows. The report by Ratehub.ca looked at the income required to qualify for a mortgage based on the average priced home in Calgary as well as other major Canadian municipalities.

“Alberta, as a whole, we’re seeing a lot of home value appreciation because homes have been so affordable in the past,” says James Laird, co-chief executive officer of Ratehub.ca.

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“And they really are still on a relative national basis, compared with Ontario and British Columbia where you need well over $200,000 to qualify for the average home in Toronto or Vancouver.”

In Calgary, where the average home price was $587,300 in April, a couple or single buyer required an income of $120,650 to qualify for a mortgage with 20 per cent as a down payment based on a 5.5 per cent interest rate.

Yet it’s not the mortgage rate that requires that sum of income, it’s the stress test.

Put in place in 2016 by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, the stress test aims to help Canadian home buyers avoid getting in over their heads if interest rates increase significantly.

The threshold to pass the stress test is the higher of the following two options: the Bank of Canada benchmark rate for a fixed, five-year mortgage — 5.25 per cent — or the borrower’s offered rate plus 200 basis points (two percentage points).

When interest rates were low before March 2022, buyers seeking mortgages were required to qualify at 5.25 per cent because it was the higher amount. Today, buyers and renewing mortgage holders, who are choosing a new lender, must qualify at their offered rate plus two percentage points.

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As a result, in the Ratehub study, a first-time buyer is required to qualify at 7.5 per cent as opposed to 5.5 per cent.

Although mortgage rates have come down with some fixed-rate, five-year mortgages at around 4.7 per cent, first-time buyers still face challenges — particularly if they seek a home at close to Calgary’s average price.

“You can get a small starter home in an older community, but there are not many to pick from,” says Richard Fleming, realtor and broker/owner of Re/Max Real Estate Mountain View.

He points to recent data from mid-May showing that in northwest Calgary only 11 homes priced between $575,000 and $600,000 were for sale, while on Calgary’s southside, only 17 homes were for sale in that range.

“With the demand strong … most likely in the next three to six months, you will not even be able to get a starter home under $600,000.”

What’s more, $120,000 is likely the minimum income required — given most buyers have other debt like student loans, which would increase the requirement. As such, it’s likely few single buyers can buy the average priced home on their own, he adds.

That said, many first-time buyers may be looking at lower priced homes, particularly in the row and apartment segments now that the average price of a single-family detached home is about $826,000 and a semi-detached home averages about $595,000, Calgary Real Estate Board statistics show.

In contrast, the average price for a townhome in May was $407,658 and $307,001 for an apartment.

Yet many first-time buyers still want a detached home, Fleming adds.

“It’s what they prefer,” he says. “If (they cannot qualify), then they will try a duplex or townhome at a lower price point.”

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