Passionate Eyes: Gifted and Gathered

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“Buying what you like is really important, but that doesn’t mean you just wander into some mall gallery and buy a reproduction print from China because you like it,” cautions Douglas Maclean, a private dealer who runs Canadian Art Gallery. “I can tell you that if you look hard enough, there are lots of galleries that have very good things that are in your price range. You can like them and, in a lot of cases, those artists have careers that are worth knowing.”

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This has been the approach taken by JoAnn Reynolds, an arts administrator, and her husband, Sean, a third-generation Albertan. You’ll find them, along with daughter Erin, 8, and son Jackson, 4, avidly picking up student prints at the semi-annual ACAD art sales, wandering through Calgary’s fine-art galleries, or dropping off their finds at Masters Gallery to be framed. When this family travels, they check out a new city’s art scene before the zoo. Every morning, the kids ask their dad to open the daily “art bomb,” an emailed sale of curated work from New York and Montreal that features emerging artists.

With their four-year renovation of a southwest bungalow completed (yes, they started a week after their son was born), they gave Swerve a tour of their highly personalized gallery.

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JoAnn prefers abstracts, while Sean leans toward realism and deco. After 20 years, this was only the second major art purchase the couple could agree upon, attracted to the absence of “visual noise.” “When a child is having difficulty with the way his toast is cut, I try to find moments of peace in the canoe,” JoAnn says.

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Marion Nicoll, “Winter Impending”
Marion Nicoll, “Winter Impending” Photo by Andy Nichols /Swerve

Sean’s maternal grandmother worked at a fine-art gallery in Edmonton, where she got great deals on work by what were then emerging artists, but are now among Canada’s most important painters (bravo, says Maclean). His parents inherited the work, which included an unfinished, “not typical” Emily Carr. “We have to be careful about what we admire, because my mother would give them to us as gifts, always careful to make sure my brother and I were treated equally.”
Reframing solves the challenge of marrying changing generational styles. “The paintings came in these swirly gold things,” says JoAnn, whose home is clean and modern. “We’ve gotten to know the people at Masters Gallery very well.”

“We affectionately call this ‘Mr. Potato Head,’” JoAnn says. It was a gift from Bill Laing in the department of art at the University of Calgary after JoAnn did promotional work for the artist, who was visiting from the Royal Academy in London. Her other favourites include street art that she brought back from Vietnam in her backpack.

Student prints offer a safe way to explore (their finds have ranged in price from $15 to $50). “You can like them for a time, and then not like them as your tastes change,” Sean says. “We have tons of kitsch. I’ve been raised that if it speaks to you, it’s okay that you like it,” adds JoAnn, who saves until the student work can be professionally framed.

“Our guilty pleasure and our joy comes from the art,” JoAnn says, excited by the prospect of finding perfect spots for all the pieces (gathered and given) still leaning up against the walls.

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