‘Not pretty’ strip mall is uniquely local and refreshing

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Douglas Coupland has rarely written a book that isn’t set, at least in part, in or around what might be summed up as the excruciatingly omnipresent North American strip mall. Whether the novels are set in L.A. or Burnaby, the backdrop is a mind-numbingly familiar landscape “shrouded in neon disposable culture” and anchored by big-name stores. Certainly, Calgary’s not excempt from such huge and disorienting conglomerations, entirely unwalkable mazes that are less strip mall than Möbius strip—interior malls turned inside out.

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But the more traditional, out-of-the-way strip mall, with its relatively accessible rent, is still a place where the uniquely local can make a refreshing appearance. Take the 7400, a strip mall just off MacLeod Trail in Kingsland. The location hosts such one-off wonders as Polonia European Food Mart, Kimberly’s Fashions (featuring small-name European designers like Geiger, Erfo and Kello), and the “potent Asian punch” (as John Gilchrist puts it) of Koreana BBQ and Thai Nongkhai, which serves northeastern Thai delicacies such as swimming rama and candy chicken.

Even the one retailer with multiple locations (we’ll ignore the blighting occurrence of a certain well-known payday-loan outlet) is a Calgary fixture. Fair’s Fair, a used bookstore bravely swimming against the current tide of Chapters—one of Calgary’s most consistent mega-strip-mall anchors—has found a home here.

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So, while the 7400 is not pretty, and it can’t conveniently fulfill your every life-maintenance requirement (if one-stop shopping is what you desire, keep on truckin’ further south to the strip mall-metropolis at Shawnessy Centre for all your banking, pet food, hot yoga, windshield-repair, medical test, personal grooming and Dairy Queen-related needs), but it does offer a few vitally off-the-beaten-path options. After all, where else can you eat bibimbap for lunch, Thai coconut sticky rice for dessert, and then browse a shelf full of obscure Old West novels for the rest of the afternoon?

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As well, while 7400’s lack of a proper name doesn’t seem at first to add anything to its fairly inelegant architecture (unlike our favourite, northeast Calgary’s wonderfuly named Short Pants Plaza), perhaps the place just needs to be re-framed in our minds. The chicest of venues have long relied on numbers to give themselves an air of refinement—there’s Calgary’s Bin905 Wine and Spirits, Manhattan’s Eleven Madison Park and Winnipeg’s revolving Prairie 360. Telling a date you’re taking her to “the 7400” for a chicken flautas at Las Mariachis will prove your sophistication in spades. Just don’t insist on a window seat; a view of Minit Lube won’t score you any extra points.

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