Letters, October 17, 2024: ‘Canada deserves better prime minister’

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PM’s options dwindling

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(Re: LILLEY: Rebel MPs Calling For Justin Trudeau To Step Down (Calgary Sun, Oct. 13.) You might say the cat with nine-plus lives is now on life support. Is Justin Trudeau that thick, that he can’t read the writing on the wall? The only two options, I see Trudeau has is to either resign or call a federal election immediately. The Canadian electorate deserves a lot more in a prime minister than who they have in Ottawa since Oct. 2015. Pierre’s eldest son needs to exit the stage now.


(The calls are mounting.)

Police patience

On Saturday the 6th at about 11:30 a.m., I was driving on 14th Avenue near the Rockyview hospital. There was an out-of-sorts person walking on the busy street, interfering with traffic. I witnessed a few near misses as traffic ground to a halt. The police officer arrived on the scene and started speaking to the person. I was within earshot of the entire exchange. What blew me away was this officer’s patience. Despite being verbally abused, he calmly and professionally got the person out of harm’s way.

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(Theirs is an often-thankless profession.)

Need to know

Don’t really know much about this India thing, Indian separatist moves to Canada to continue his clandestine activities, killed by Indian government agents. Trudeau grandstands in the media, outraged. Me? I want to know all about the Chinese police stations in Canada, their influence on our citizens, their voting directives, our politicians who collaborated with the government of China affecting our very democracy. Also nice to be enlightened on those Chinese scientists who fled the country during the COVID misadventure. Guessing Trudeau’s Bollywood adventure is over.


(Even when he gave testimony to the foreign interference commission, it was so obvious Trudeau doesn’t really seem to take the issue of China interfering seriously)

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Criminal record

Canada’s criminal justice system is supposed to be fair to everyone and ensure public safety. Instead, the current system is unfair and unbalanced, favouring the rights of criminals over those of law-abiding citizens. Criminals before the courts are routinely granted lax bail conditions and given light sentences by judges. This sends a message that offenders can commit violent crimes with relative impunity. Thus, there’s very little deterrence and public safety is endangered. Unsurprisingly, StatsCan reports homicide numbers are now 33% higher than the 10-year average. The Trudeau government is responsible for this problem since it sets the bail and sentencing guidelines for judges.


(The Trudeau Liberals are too busy putting out fires from scandals they have created yet the issue of bail — also of their making — goes ignored)

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