Letters, Oct. 10, 2024: ‘Time for an overhaul of our bail system’

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Bail bust

I am tired of the lax bail conditions and not being tough on crime anymore. One of the latest victims of this mess is a Toronto Police officer, Tade Davoudi. Quick question: Where is the defund the police mob? Crickets. Is the defund the police mob going to sign up to put their lives on the line and risk taking a bullet everyday while doing their job for the ungrateful community we have become in this woke society? I do not want to hear anything about defunding the police anymore.

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(They would never have the guts to protect anyone. Time and again the revolving bail door and is putting the public at risk)

Pension planning

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has found his backbone and has withdrawn from his pact with PM Trudeau. Although, it is yet to be seen how much iron is in Singh’s backbone. I suspect the non-confidence vote will occur with the spring budget. The vote will be shortly after Singh has met all the eligibility requirements to collect his solid gold pension. Mr. Poilievre and the Conservatives ought to pull the rug from under Singh and tell Singh you’ve got your pension, but Conservatives will table legislation that a retired parliamentarian cannot collect their pension until they are 72 years old. And Singh, no grandfather clause.

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(Hitting him where it hurts?)

Out with the Grits

Re “Grits won’t back Bloc motion?” (The Canadian Press, Oct. 3): This is just another missive from the Liberals that they do not support Canadians. They have created a two-tier system for carbon pricing to save seats in Atlantic Canada whilst the rest of the country pays the carbon tax. They have created a two-tier system for OAS. They say the cost of the Bloc’s pension bill would cost $16 billion over five years, that they cannot afford, yet the Liberals pay the richest car companies billions of dollars to build battery plants. Included in that was millions of dollars for the Ford plant in Oakville, Ont., to produce EVs which Ford has cancelled and instead replaced them with the gas-guzzling F-150. Will the taxpayers get the money refunded? Nah, it will go to the same place as the $60-million Arrive Canada app lining some Liberal supporter’s pocket. Time for this corrupt government to be dismissed.


(Canadians don’t agree on everything but one thing where we have all found common ground — it’s time for an election)

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