Sweet relief: The forecast for Calgary has daytime highs finally below 30°C soon 

It’s been a scorcher for most of July in Calgary, and the forecast shows some slightly lower temperatures on the way with a break in daytime highs in the 30°C range.

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Calgary will see a few more days above 30°C with the peak of the heat occurring on Wednedsay with a daytime high of 34°C before a shift in temperatures.

Starting on Thursday, the daytime high is a nice 27°C and the overnight lows take a serious dip, from 20°C Monday night to just 11°C and 10°C as we head into the weekend.

The daytime highs also drop a bit Friday and Saturday before Sunday climbs back up to 27°C and a mix of sun and cloud.

Calgary forecast highs

Environment and Climate Change Canada

A heat warning remains in effect for Calgary; however, thick smoke in parts of the province may cause daytime highs to be a few degrees cooler than forecast over the coming days. The combination of heat and very poor air quality in smoke will increase the risk to your health.
