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“Whether the judges’ preference is blond, brunette or Latina that day, beauty and booty wins every time.”
This explanation comes from Paul Anthony, a former World Natural Pro-Bodybuilding Champion and one of Calgary’s most sought-after personal trainers. Increasingly, those who seek him out are looking to enter a bikini competition, a subcategory in the world of female bodybuilding.
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A far cry from the bulked-up muscular image that springs to mind when one thinks of female bodybuilders, bikini competitors are slim and sleek. The look is more Barbie than brawny, but it requires a lot of effort to achieve.
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Anthony is known as a transformation artist. At any given time, he coaches between 15 and 30 competitors both online and in person using the “Dreambody” system he has formulated over the last 25 years. While he believes almost anybody (and any body) could get “stage ready” with the proper preparation, having a chance at winning in the category of bikini model (to give the category its full, unfortunate name) comes down to a specific formula. “The one thing that remains constant and true,” he says, “is that if you have beauty and booty, you have a great chance in these competitions. It’s what I usually look for in a new prospect or client.”
Whether or not bikini-model competitions can or should be classified as a sport is a subject of some debate, even for those who compete and coach. But one thing is certain: this rapidly expanding segment of the fitness industry—and it really is an industry—is attracting some unlikely participants. Although they are clad in Swarovski and Lucite and not much else, some bikini competitors possess the same focus and dedication to their “sport” as any world-class athlete.
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The real question is whether the positive aspects of these perplexing competitions outweigh the negatives. Are competitors paying too high a price with their bodies and overall health in order to conform to some notion of what “fit” looks like?
Bikini model is a sort of entry-level category in female bodybuilding (other categories are figure, fitness, physique and bodybuilding). It appeals to women who want to test their abilities to adhere to what is presented as a “healthy lifestyle” for a few months. Competitors hit the gym daily, follow coach-prescribed workout programs and a strict nutrition plan to find out what they can achieve. They carb-cycle (alternating high-carbohydrate and low-carbohydrate days, essentially “tricking” their metabolism to burn more calories than usual) and perform fasted-cardio sessions (exercising first thing in the morning on an empty stomach) in hopes their body will feed on what little fat it has left to keep going.
In the few days before stepping onstage, they watershed (either through a multi-day process of over-hydrating then drastically cutting their water intake or by using diuretics) to reveal the muscles they worked hard to build on their now dehydrated frames. On competition day, they get dolled up, complete with extra-dark tans, hairdos and makeup, strap on a teeny-tiny bedazzled bikini, glue it in place, and strut their stuff in front of a panel of judges. It’s all over in a matter of minutes, then the wine, peanut butter and other “off limits” treats these women have been denying themselves for three or four months (the standard “healthy” bikini competition prep is 12 to 16 weeks) are broken out and enjoyed.
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It’s easy to write these ladies off as fame-hungry or narcissistic, but that would be a mistake. It’s true that a quick scroll through the hashtags #bikinimodel or #contestprep on Instagram, reveals thousands of bathroom and locker-room selfies of those who are, however misguidedly, seeking fame and fortune (or at least a modelling contract). But there are also a number of women who want to see how they can transform their bodies if they put all of their effort and determination into it.
“As a female, you always have some idea of how you would ideally like your physique to look,” says Rachel McConachy. “I have always loved fitness magazines and how the models in them appeared so vibrant and healthy. That’s always been what my physical goal was based upon.”
McConachy is a 27-year-old critical-care nurse who played varsity soccer while earning her degree at Mount Royal University. When school finished, so did the hours of training, and, despite snowboarding and taking up half-marathons, McConachy felt she was stagnating without a goal to help her maintain intensity in her workouts. In 2012, she came across images on Facebook of a few of the girls she’d gone to high school with competing in various bikini competitions, and decided this was the challenge she had been looking for.
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Her first show was with the WBFF, or the World Beauty Fitness & Fashion Inc. Founded in 2007 by Paul Dillett, its tagline, “The Most Glamorous Show in Fitness,” pretty much says it all. Although fitness is part of the equation, winners in the WBFF, especially in the category of DIVA Bikini, are not determined based on their muscle definition, how hard they worked in the gym, or even by how well they deprived themselves of life’s food-based pleasures. The deciding factors in the WBFF come down to one’s overall beauty and marketability as a “fitness” model. It is essentially a “Victoria’s Secret fashion show on crack,” as McConachy puts it. Sure, the ladies look good, but in a lot of cases it has more to do with their genetic blessings (and in more than a few instances, extra enhancements courtesy of a plastic surgeon) and stage presence than with whether or not they dominate in the gym.
Though she fell in love with the onstage experience during that first show, McConachy was not in love with the image or the price tag associated with competing in the WBFF. (The organization wouldn’t tell me its fee schedule, but competitor says it’s over $200, and when the price of custom swimsuits and, for WBFF events, an evening gown is factored in, the outlay is in the thousands of dollars.) As a result, in 2013 she decided to shift to the Alberta Bodybuilding Association (ABBA), the federation that feeds into the Canadian Body Building Association (CBBA) and eventually the International Federation of Body Building (IFBB), organizations that are more focused on physique than flash.
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The ABBA judging criteria state that bikini-model competitors are expected to be “lean, healthy, fit, toned, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing. They should have an attractive athletic, fit physique shape, and the ‘total package’ from top of the head down will be judged in this format.” Though the judges do take a course on how to rank competitors, inevitably these words mean different things to different people, and the decision-making process is subjective. “You might place first or second in front of one set of judges and sixth or seventh in front of another set,” Paul Anthony, the trainer, says. “It’s not fair, but this is the sport. It’s not like track and field where you either win or lose; it’s a matter of people’s opinions.”
Samantha Green, a 25-year-old WBFF pro-card holder and Calgary-based personal trainer, agrees, but adds that in the WBFF there are other factors that go into the judges’ decision-making process.
Green, a strikingly beautiful doe-eyed brunette, emphasizes that ultimately these competitions are a business: for the federations and for many of the competitors themselves who then turn around and try to parlay their placements and/or image into sponsorships and endorsement deals. “If it’s neck and neck and someone has a more popular name, she’s going to win because ultimately she’s going to market the federation better and represent it to a larger audience,” says Green.
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That assessment makes me wonder if a bikini-model competition is any different than a traditional beauty pageant. “Well, we don’t have to talk, thank God,” Green says with a laugh over a lunch she chose carefully to achieve “macronutrient balance.” “That would be a disadvantage for a number of competitors, but it would certainly reveal whose brain wasn’t functioning properly from carb depletion. We also don’t present a talent, so we get off pretty easy compared to the pageant girls, I guess.”
All jokes aside, Green believes, especially in the WBFF, with its emphasis on spectacle, that bikini competitions do have a lot in common with pageants. If these contests were really as simple as comparing competitors’ physiques, all the women would step onstage in the same suit with their hair pulled back, and would hit the same positions in front of the judges. Instead, they “show their personalities” through a choreographed, flirtatious routine (many hours go into posing practice as well). “This way it’s more entertaining for both the crowd and for yourself as a competitor. You get to make a day out of everything that you worked for,” Green says. “Anyone who signs up for this obviously cares about how they look, so it’s fun to get blinged out and get those photos taken as evidence.”
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Green, who won the Inside Fitness model search last year, is not troubled by the debate over whether or not this is a sport. “The category I compete in is called Diva Bikini. Does that kind of answer this for you?” the former ringette player says with a giggle. “We still work hard to maintain a lean, sculpted, proportionate physique, but we’re meant to have a softer look. Bikini competitors do their diet, they do their cardio, but if contest-prep is the extent of their training, ‘athlete’ is probably a stretch.”
But not everyone agrees. It was her athletic drive that led McConachy to compete in the first place. Watching her work out, it’s clear that she could hold her own in any physical challenge. She is strong. Not strong for a girl, just strong. In her mind, bikini competitors are athletes. “My answer is going to depend on their style of training, but yes they are. These girls are in the gym lifting five or six days a week,” she says of what it takes to achieve a winning look. “If anything, due to the overall body composition goals involved, they need to be even more diligent than your normal athlete does.”
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Anthony agrees. Although it wasn’t until he was preparing for his first show that his perspective changed. “I was what society would call a real athlete,” he says of his competitive track and field and semi-professional football career prior to becoming a personal trainer. “I looked down on bodybuilders and fitness competitors—thought they were a bunch of muscle heads. That view changed quickly after I went through the process myself.”
Last June, McConachy won the bikini tall category (she’s 5-10) as well as the overall bikini title at the ABBA Southern Alberta Classic. One week later she went on to win her category at the provincials and is currently ranked eighth in the country after the nationals in Edmonton this past July.
Success has not bred complacency; if anything it has inspired her to train harder in the hopes of showing other women that a level-headed approach to contest prep can work.
“I want to shed more light on the healthy ways of going about competing,” she says. “The reality of the situation is there are girls who are dehydrated to a daze and taking diuretics before they take the stage. People do take things too far—I’ve seen girls pass out,” McConachy says.
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In any discipline solely focused on esthetics, there will inevitably be people with self-esteem issues and body-image problems in the mix. For onlookers, these women appear to have it all: the perfect bodies and the confidence to stand onstage in a jewelled bikini strutting their stuff for the whole world to see—and judge. But, according to a number of competitors and coaches (all of whom asked not to be named), one of the driving forces for a number of these women—and for the continual streams of abdominal and bootie shots posted on Instagram—is a desperate need for approval and validation.
“If you let this be the only thing for you, if your self-worth is based on a placing in a show or everyone telling you how fantastic you look, there’s something unhealthy going on,” McConachy says.
It seems as though competitors like McConachy and her coach, Leah Berti (an IFBB pro and Calgary Police officer)—women who work outside the fitness industry in high-pressure jobs—find it easier to avoid the negative aspects of this sport. “I’m a daughter first, a girlfriend and a sister. All those relationships and my career come before being a competitor,” McConachy explains. “If this passion ever hindered my performance in any of those areas of my life, I would have to find something else.”
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It was surprisingly difficult for the bikini competitors I spoke with to come up with reasons why they compete beyond the obvious, “It’s a challenge.” They did, however, have plenty of thoughts about why one shouldn’t sign up. “If you decide to do a show because you want to look good in a bathing suit, that’s just not the right reason,” Berti says. Even at the bikini level, where you’re not trying to build a massive amount of muscle, there is a lot of sacrifice involved.
Ultimately, bikini competitions are a solo mission. McConachy, Berti and Green all agreed that competing with the goal of pleasing anyone but yourself is a recipe for disaster. “You need to make the choice completely for yourself because at the end of the day you are the one going up there and you’re the one who needs to be proud of yourself,” Berti says. “If it’s about looking hot on the beach or having someone else give you praise, that’s just not going to be enough driving force to keep you on track when the going gets tough.”
All the ladies also agree that there is a healthy method of competing and a very unhealthy way. With every passing year it seems more and more women are signing up to take on this challenge and, unfortunately, falling victim to uncredentialled coaches offering potentially harmful guidance like restrictive crash diets and rebounding post-show with rapid weight gain. This yo-yo inevitably leads to self-esteem issues, hormonal imbalances and depression.
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McConachy believes that a lot of women get swept up in the preparation process and don’t consider their post-competition health. “Without proper coaching that includes slowly introducing a less restricted diet and more moderate training rather than just eating everything in sight and skipping the gym altogether, drastic physical changes can happen quickly and trigger equally drastic mental suffering,” she says. Those same Instagram accounts chronicling every new muscle definition during the prep period often become public forums for frustration and struggles with no longer looking “stage ready” during the weeks that follow.
“A lot of girls come in with serious issues to begin with, and I try to avoid those clients mostly because it gives the sport a bad name,” Berti says.
Ultimately, competitors stand alone in front of judges who evaluate them solely based on their appearance. “Even if you look fantastic, you can get told that today your body is in last place,” Berti says. “You need to have a thick skin or this sport can destroy you.”
Of course, she is speaking metaphorically; an actual thick skin won’t earn competitors any favour from the judges.
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