Letters, July 13, 2024: ‘Climate runs hot and cold’

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Climate change the channel

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I am sick of this climate change crap. Yes, I agree the climate is changing, it always has for billions of years. It gets cold, it gets hot, it’s always changed. It always will and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Our emissions have very little to do with it. Just a single volcanic eruption can put out more CO2 in a few days than we do in a year. I do agree we should try to get more efficient and better our emissions, but for us to think we can change anything is just foolish thought.


(For the view from the other side, read on…)

Climate pandemic

‘Climate change’? Hmmm … no, not really. Perhaps two decades ago ‘climate change’ was OK. How about ‘climate crisis’? Possibly. Maybe ‘climate emergency’? Perhaps much more realistic today. OK, then, let’s go with ‘climate pandemic’ — that term sounds like the current reality. A call-to-arms that can’t be ignored. Can’t be put off … can’t say, sure in 2050 we’ll do something … eventually, maybe even in 2035 or 2030. No, this is a ‘climate pandemic’ for sure!

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(There are public policies — including increased taxes and regulations — which are implemented now to address climate change)

Republic or monarchy

Re “America has no king? Oh, what a shame” (Editorial, July 7): America has no king? On the whole I agree with the Sun that a parliamentary model with a constitutional monarchy is a better system than the U.S. model. This is particularly the case as it relates to electing and installing the head of government. In the U.S., the process is a year-long slog from the primaries to the inauguration of the winner. In the recent U.K. election, the process took just 45 days. However, one aspect of the U.S. model I like is the eight-year term limit for the president. If Canada had this provision, we would have been rid of Trudeau last November.


(Term limits would have saved our country a lot of damage inflicted by the Liberals)

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