Copenhagen rewards tourists with freebies for “sustainable behaviour”

Travellers have been making headlines for questionable behaviour, but Copenhagen is using positive reinforcements to encourage sustainable behaviour.

Popular destinations like Japan have been grappling with the effects of over-tourism on their infrastructure and the environment. To tackle this, Copenhagen is launching a pilot program called CopenPay, offering tourists freebies to encourage “climate-friendly” behaviour.

“Earn rewards at Copenhagen attractions ranging from a free lunch or a cup of coffee to a kayak tour or even a free entrance to a museum,” reads a statement on the city’s tourism site.

To redeem rewards, you’ll need to show proof that you took “green actions,” like taking the train or bus instead of driving. Volunteering at urban farms and assisting in cleanup efforts also gets you some freebies.

“Through CopenPay, we therefore aim to incentivize tourists’ sustainable behaviour while enriching their cultural experience of our destination,” said Mikkel Aarø-Hansen, CEO at Wonderful Copenhagen. “It is an experimental and a small step towards creating a new mindset amongst travellers and one among many initiatives we are doing to make travelling more sustainable.”

So, how do you prove that you’ve done something environmentally friendly?

You can provide proof, such as train tickets to show that you used public transportation or show photos of yourself riding a bike or helping with cleanups. However, the program emphasizes that it’s based on a trust system.

“No matter if you ride a bike, use public transportation, or collect trash, you can spend your good energy to collect the listed rewards, and we trust you when you ask to pay with it,” states the website. “After all, the only one you would be cheating is yourself if you miss out on doing good for our planet.”

Through these actions, the city hopes to reduce waste and carbon emissions.

The program will launch on July 15 and run until August 11, after which its effectiveness will be evaluated. If successful, the program will launch in other parts of Denmark and possibly the rest of the world.

Check here to learn more about CopenPay.
