“F*ck off!” William Shatner sends “un-Canadian” message in hilarious video

Legendary actor William Shatner wants his fellow Canadians to forget being polite and start dropping f-bombs about one particular subject.

The 93-year-old actor, best known for playing Captain Kirk on Star Trek, was featured in a hilarious profanity-laden video on social media about open-net salmon farms.

“You know, for almost a century, I’ve been a kind decent Canadian. It’s the Canadian way,” he says calmly at the beginning of the video as the national anthem plays in the background.

“But when I see what open-net salmon farming is doing to the environment and wildlife, I just can’t be Canadian about it any longer. So repeat after me,” he continues.

And then he unleashes his fury.

“F*ck off, open-net pen salmon farms! Your a**hole salmon farms are f*cking up our wild salmon population. It’s a sh*t stain on our nation!” he yells as he tells other Canadians to “have a go” with their open-net salmon farm disses.

Canadian hockey player Kirk McLean even makes a cameo, but his clapback is a little too polite for Shatner’s liking.

“Come on man, you’re a f*cking hockey player,” Shatner says to the former NHL-er, encouraging him to get spicier with his curse words.

The video pans to others who have some choice (swear) words about the subject, yelling in English and French, and there’s even a baby who seems to have had it with open-net salmon farms.

The video is part of Pacific Wild’s “Un-Canadian” campaign, which aims to hold Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) accountable for its commitment to remove open-net salmon farms by 2025.

“Inaction poses a severe threat to the survival of wild salmon in BC,” noted the organization on its website.

The group added that “open-net pen salmon farms release deadly pathogens, parasites and pollution into the ocean, right in the migratory pathways of Pacific salmon.”

Fans react to Shatner’s un-Canadian message

Shatner’s un-Canadian message has been making rounds on the internet as the video has received thousands of likes on X and has been flooded with comments.

“That is the best video I have ever seen! Thank you for standing up for all Canadians once again,” reads one comment.

“Once a Canadian, always a Canadian,” said another.

One person joked the video should be nominated for an Oscar.

Pacific Wild is encouraging Canadians to join the “un-Canadian” campaign by sending their elected representative a pre-written letter they’ve posted on their website.

Taking after Shatner’s video, the letter also features a lot of eyebrow-raising f-bombs.

“Time is up! Get the open-net pen salmon farms the f*** out of Canada once and for all!” reads the message.

William Shatner

Pacific Wild/ Screenshot

“Asking our government politely to put an end to the destructive practice has gotten us nothing but broken promises,” added Pacific Wild on its website,

“So, let’s try telling them to shut down the farms NOW in the most un-Canadian way possible.”

What are your thoughts on Shatner’s un-Canadian video? Let us know in the comments.
